Why Does John McCain Pal Around with a Domestic Terrorist?
October 26, 2008
From the looks of things, John McCain’s connection to G. Gordon Liddy is far greater than Barack Obama to William Ayers, and not just because Liddy hosted a fundraiser at his house for McCain. McCain defends Liddy, while Obama has condemned Ayers. See, e.g., http://www.huffingtonpost.com/carl-bernstein/ayers-and-the-mccain-g-go_b_134256.html
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Harold October 30, 2008 10:27 pm
Mark October 29, 2008 9:40 am
I doubt you’re in that situation. But Harold, it’s way off topic, and I try, sometimes without much success, to keep people on topic here. If you have any comments on McCain’s relationship with domestic terrorist G. Gorden Liddy, let me know. I suspect you don’t want to focus on why McCain is so close to a man who had plots to murder so many innocent Americans…far more than William Ayers.