The time-honored tradition of dancing around the family tire-fire in celebration of Earth Day as renegade Latter Day Druids cry with trees dying anonymously in response to the hydro-carbon blanket surrounding the planet
C'mon people are dying because of that fat little bastard April 21, 2007 9:57 am
If America doesn’t get to hear Carl Rove testify under oath for anything–there is no democracy left in this country
You talkin' bout me, Mothafucka? April 5, 2007 9:34 am
Gek–reports of your death aren’t exaggerated–there weren’t any kids in your family that lived
Gek April 4, 2007 5:41 pm
You’re an immature arrogant jackass with little comprehension of facts.
You mother dressed you funny, and you got picked on in school for being a jackass.
You’re a fruity little man who from reports is barely capable of getting into bed, much less doing anything.
Your odor is reprehensible, and possiblly justification for classifying you as a toxic waste site.
Oh, and “I have always said that if you get offended by what someone says about you then it must be true, period, I can not overstate this.”
This is fun. Claim that you have to take it, then make up insults. I could be as cool as Farrakhan.
The time-honored tradition of dancing around the family tire-fire in celebration of Earth Day as renegade Latter Day Druids cry with trees dying anonymously in response to the hydr... More >>
Cough--cough April 22, 2007 9:26 am
The time-honored tradition of dancing around the family tire-fire in celebration of Earth Day as renegade Latter Day Druids cry with trees dying anonymously in response to the hydro-carbon blanket surrounding the planet
C'mon people are dying because of that fat little bastard April 21, 2007 9:57 am
If America doesn’t get to hear Carl Rove testify under oath for anything–there is no democracy left in this country
You talkin' bout me, Mothafucka? April 5, 2007 9:34 am
Gek–reports of your death aren’t exaggerated–there weren’t any kids in your family that lived
Gek April 4, 2007 5:41 pm
You’re an immature arrogant jackass with little comprehension of facts.
You mother dressed you funny, and you got picked on in school for being a jackass.
You’re a fruity little man who from reports is barely capable of getting into bed, much less doing anything.
Your odor is reprehensible, and possiblly justification for classifying you as a toxic waste site.
Oh, and “I have always said that if you get offended by what someone says about you then it must be true, period, I can not overstate this.”
This is fun. Claim that you have to take it, then make up insults. I could be as cool as Farrakhan.