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It IS Class Warfare: Voting Republican Cripples Your Paycheck

October 18, 2010
1 Comment

How will billionaires, banks, insurance companies, and polluters — having already destroyed the economy and our environment — possibly convince ordinary Americans to sacrifice their own children to the ferocious beast they have created that is destroying America as we speak?

It’s a difficult task to be sure, convincing Momma Grizzlies to sacrifice their young to the poachers.

But it sure helps if our President is Black. And if you throw in the lies of “Muslim” and “Kenyan” to boot, the President’s Harvard education — coupled with his ferocious rhetoric suggesting that middle-class Americans are citizens too who also deserve a chance to succeed in life — is obviously just further proof of Obama’s dangerous conspiracy to promote a slave rebellion. Anyone remember Nat Turner?

China and Russia Funds Republicans (FOX and Friends)

October 12, 2010

Republican Plutocracy & Feudalism v. Democratic Democracy

October 11, 2010

Which is the best system of Government?
Plutocracy and feudalism, the system Republicans want, by which billionaires and foreign countries dictate who governs us?

Or democracy, the system Democrats want, by which the People determine who govern us?

Mark on “Follow the Money”

October 6, 2010

Mark on “Follow the Money”

October 5, 2010
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