The Second Anniversary of THE INSIDE SCOOP
June 22, 2005
(broadcast stream) (.mp3 download
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Plus Ca Change, Plus C’est La Meme Chose…
(Translation: “The more things change, the more they are the same.”)
Two years ago, on June 22, 2003, THE INSIDE SCOOP was first aired on WAGE in Metropolitan Washington, DC. Today, Mark looks back on highlights from his very first show.
The surprising thing is not what’s changed but what’s remained the same. Think the leaking of the Downing Street Minutes was the first media report that the Bush Administration fixed intelligence and facts to justify its war in Iraq?
Think again. Mark reported this two years ago on his very first show.
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Rikatomika June 23, 2005 12:14 pm
It great to see the InsideScoop is still here. It’s still my favorite program to listen too. Mark you rock!!! Keep up the good work!!!
Skip June 23, 2005 2:20 am
Hey there Mark,
I have been listening to your show since around Oct-2003, and it keeps getting better and better. Hang in there buddy. You keep me out of the rubber room.
Dave G. June 22, 2005 7:52 pm
So much of the events of 9-11 just don’t fit. The White House had been inondated with intelligence warnings, much of it was very specific and they just didn’t want to hear it. If they had they heard these many warnings they would be required to have fighter jets in the air all over Washington and N.Y.. There would be just no chance that all of these fighters would be on stand down for about one full hour while all this went on. This is just not feasible. Osama had no means to keep these interceptor jets on the ground.
So much more but lets take it a bit at a time. Can anybody make any other sense of this one issue?
Michelle June 22, 2005 7:49 pm
I am so happy that you have made it to two year anniversary. Mainly, because I just found you just 5 months ago.
I think this show, with your back ground, is most important to the future of our democracy. It is up to people like you, person well versed in the Washington scene, that can break through the mountless lies that come out of this administration and republican controled congress.
You give us informed balance we can not find else where.
I look forward to you 5 year anniversary. Where the neocons are talking about you.
Most Sincerely
Gal from Cal
Dave G. June 22, 2005 6:35 pm
Congratulations, Mark. It looks like you are going to make it work. I hope you expand all over the country. We much need those who will answer Limbaugh, Fox, Hannedy, etc. etc..