Debate Tuesday: Competing Political Philosophies
March 8, 2005(broadcast stream part 1) (broadcast stream part 2
) (.mp3 download
[Due to technical difficulties, the archive stream is in two parts.]
Mark Levine debates Republican leader Jim Parmelee on the basic philosophies of the Democratic and Republican Parties:
Why are you a Republican? A conservative?
Why are you a Democrat? A liberal?
Both parties/sides tend to have knee-jerk reactions:
Democrats/Liberals care about poor people, the environment, equal opportunity, unions, teachers, corporate regulation, consumer protection, high taxes on inherited wealth, low taxes on people struggling to make a living, education, low debt, open government, separation of church and state, rehabilitation and drug treatment rather than prison, war as a last resort, prevention of genocide, voting rights, police officers and firefighters, homeland security, gun control, and a free press….
Republicans/conservatives care about rich people, big business, corporations, oil companies, low taxes (for corporations, capital gains, inherited wealth, interest, and dividends), Government/Church partnership, letting people succeed in business without government help or interference, strict Government regulation/monitoring of private lives, high debt, closed government, strict voting regulations, wars to compel countries to follow US interests, and a press controlled and manipulated by the Government…
What makes us support one side or the other?
Spies in the FBI: An Update with Sibel Edmonds
March 7, 2005(broadcast stream ) (.mp3 download
Sibel Edmonds has rocked this Adminstration. After disclosing spies in the FBI and proving Bush had information prior to September 11th that should have alerted him to the up-coming terrorist attacks, the White House has done everything it could to muzzle her. But her story’s coming out: first right here on RADIO INSIDE SCOOP and later on 60 Minutes and in the New York Times and Washington Post.
Most recently, Sibel Edmonds and her whistleblower lawsuits caused the Justice Department to change its policy of retroactively classifying as “top secret” documents that were already in the public domain. Perhaps no single individual has done more to open up our tightly-controlled government than Sibel Edmonds. For “All the News the Government Does NOT Want You to Know,” Edmonds is the Bush Administration’s Public Enemy No. 1.
Guest: Sibel Edmonds
Sunday Weekly Review
March 6, 2005(broadcast stream ) (.mp3 download
Let’s see how much of this we can cover in an hour (Click below for more):
— How the Government conspires with credit card companies to rip off consumers
— Why the Government believes funding your pension and retirement should be “private and personal” to you but your “personal and private” data should be made public to businesses and identity thieves
read more
Too Poor to Go Bankrupt
March 3, 2005(broadcast stream ) (.mp3 download
The new bankruptcy bill wending its way through Congress protects the right of rich people like Donald Trump to declare bankruptcy, as well as corporations like Enron that fail to fund their employees’ health and pension plans.
But if such an employee should fall ill and use his credit card to pay for hospital bills to save his life, the Republicans in Congress insist that every penny be paid back.
Corporate scofflaws and rich people avoiding payment of debts are understandable. But lower middle class individuals should be held to account for life for their purchases!
Find out the details of a bill solidly rejected in the 1990’s that has been passed by the Republican Congress and is about to signed into law.
And oh…if you want to declare bankrupcy, make sure you’re rich enough to afford it!
Should We Execute Children?
March 2, 2005(broadcast stream ) (.mp3 download
Yesterday, the United States Supreme Court held that people who commit crimes under the age of 18 cannot be executed by the State.
Is this a wise decision? What will be its impact?
High above the United States Supreme Court building in Washington, the words are inscribed: “EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER LAW.” But if poor criminal defendents get a lesser justice because they can’t afford decent attorneys, doesn’t that motto ring hollow?
Mark will discuss the current state of justice for criminal defendants with Ryan King, Research Associate for The Sentencing Project, which promotes reduced reliance on incarceration and increased use of more effective and humane alternatives to deal with crime.
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