Universal Health Care?
March 28, 2005(broadcast stream) (.mp3 download
Guest: Dr. Quentin Young, National Coordinator of Physicians for National Health Program and Chair of the Department of Medicine at Chicago’s Cook County Hospital
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Sunday Weekly Review: When Should We Allow People to Believe the Lies that Sustain Them?
March 27, 2005Spies in the FBI: An Update from Sibel Edmonds
March 24, 2005(broadcast stream ) (.mp3 download
There is no live show today. Instead, radio listeners will hear an important re-play of March 7’s INSIDE SCOOP interview with FBI translator Sibel Edmonds. For internet listeners, if you have not heard this show, this is a perfect opportunity to catch an INSIDE SCOOP exclusive, with details not found in the mainstream press.
Guest Sibel Edmonds has rocked this Adminstration. After disclosing spies in the FBI and proving Bush had information prior to September 11th that should have alerted him to the up-coming terrorist attacks, the White House has done everything it could to muzzle her. But now her story’s coming out everywhere: from RADIO INSIDE SCOOP a year ago to 60 Minutes, the New York Times, and the Washington Post.
Most recently, Sibel Edmonds and her whistleblower lawsuits caused the Justice Department to change its policy of retroactively classifying as “top secret” documents that were already in the public domain. Perhaps no single individual has done more to open up our tightly-controlled government than Sibel Edmonds. For “All the News the Government Does NOT Want You to Know,” Edmonds is the Bush Administration’s Public Enemy No. 1.
Abortion: Pro-Life or Pro-Choice?
March 23, 2005(broadcast stream) (.mp3 download
Guests: Randy Alcorn, Author of Why Pro Life? and Pro Life Answers to Pro Choice Arguments.
He is the Founder and Director of Eternal Perspective Ministries
and Ann O’Hanlon, the Executive Director of NARAL Pro-Choice Virginia
Debate Tuesday: Was Congress Right to Intervene in the Terry Schiavo Case?
March 22, 2005(broadcast stream) (.mp3 download
Guest: Jim Parmelee, Chairman of the Northern Virginia Republican Political Action Committee
We will discuss the politics of the Terri Schiavo case and any other issue you want to bring up…
Specifically, I will ask Jim Parmelee why National Right to Life Organizations and George W. Bush support removing life-sustaining equipment for Sun Hudson and Spiro Nikolouzos. See
Spiro Nikolouzos
Wanda Hudson
but will violate the Constitution to prevent the same from happening to Terry Schiavo. Here’s the Texas law Governor Bush signed in 1999 to allow doctors and hospitals to ‘pull the plug’ if the patient can’t pay for health care, even if the patient and her family want the life-sustaining equipment.
Next time a Republican claims he/she supports:
— states’ rights
— less Government
— the Constitution
— the rule of law
— separation of powers
— checks and balances
— the sanctity of marriage
— people making decisions for themselves, instead of the Government
— less regulation
— judges deciding based on evidence and law, rather than emotion
Just say two words: “Terry Schiavo” and then laugh….bitterly.
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