Recount in Ohio
April 27, 2005(archived broadcast ) (.wma download
[This show was originally broadcast on November 12, 2004 — just ten days after the election.]
Important Guest: Congressman John Conyers of Michigan, the Ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee
Debate Tuesday: Is the Christian Right Christian? Is it Right?
April 26, 2005(archived broadcast ) (.wma download
[This show was originally broadcast September 15, 2004.]
Guests: Dwain Pellebon, Ph.D., Professor of Social Work at the University of Oklahoma and Jack Cashill, author, producer, Republican speech writer, and executive editor of Ingram’s Magazine
What would Jesus do? Would he vote for today’s Republican Party?
The most fervent support for the Republican Party comes from fundamentalist Christians. Today, THE INSIDE SCOOP hosts a debate as to whether the Christian Right upholds Christian values.
War Profiteering
April 25, 2005(archived broadcast ) (.wma download
(This show was originally broadcast October 22, 2004.)
You may think you’ve heard all there is to hear about Halliburton no-bid contracts in Iraq. But this show will shock even hardened Democrats.
My guest, Antonia Juhasz, Project Director of the International Forum on Globalization, describes in detail how the Bush Administration installed corporations to permanently run Iraq — even where that conflicts with democracy there — and how animosity against these American corporate rulers is fueling the Iraqi attacks against American troops.
How Many Iraqi Civilians Have We Killed Thus Far?
April 21, 2005(broadcast stream) (.mp3 download
President Bush has said “every life matters,” so much so that he interrupted his vacation solely for the symbolic purpose of signing a bill to overturn a court finding that a woman unconscious for fifteen years preferred to die with dignity (Terri Schiavo).
But “every life”, according to our President, does not include Iraqi civilians we must justifiably kill in order to force the country to accept 14 American bases and to sell us oil.
Even one thousand Iraqi lives — people with perfectly functioning brains and entire lives ahead of them — are not worth one Terri Schiavo. Bush doesn’t care whether we kill 1000, 10,000, 100,000, or a million. Iraqi lives are so worthless. They’re not even worth counting.
My first guest, Father Simon Harak argues that “love your enemies” is an absolute, not relative, Christian injunction and the lives killed as the result of the invasion in Iraq should not be ignored by American Catholics.
My second guest, Dr. Scott D. Lipscomb, a Northwestern University Professor, is keeping a body count. He is the Assistant Researcher & US Spokesperson for Iraq Body Count.
Father Harak and Dr. Lipscomb thinks Iraqi civillian lives killed by Americans do have value. Do you agree? Why doesn’t the Pentagon?
Wednesday Week in Review
April 20, 2005(broadcast stream) (.mp3 download
Mark’s thoughts on:
The new Pope Benedict XVI (Cardinal Ratzinger)
The postponement(!) of the Bolton nomination vote due to the courageous defection of Senator Voinovich of Ohio,
And the continuing corruption of Tom “I plead the Fifth but Keep the Bribes Coming” Delay.
PLUS an inexpensive way to purchase the Republican Congress…it’s cheaper than you think! and, of course, you have to go through Tom Delay…the shocking Heritage/Malaysia Money Scandal!
Finally, check out this powerful, unrefuted evidence that the 2004 Election was fixed: Report of US Count Votes’ National Election Data Archive Project: Analysis of the 2004 Presidential Election Exit Poll Discrepancies
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