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Iranian Elections: The INSIDE SCOOP

June 27, 2005

(broadcast stream) (.mp3 download Right-click,”Save Target as”,”Save”)
Guest: Simin Royanian, Co-founder of Women for Peace and Justice in Iran

Ambassador Joe Wilson! (Sunday Weekly Review – Two Hours)

June 26, 2005

(broadcast stream) (.mp3 download Right-click,”Save Target as”,”Save”)
My very honored guest this Sunday is Ambassador Joseph Wilson. Ambassador Wilson exposed that the Bush Administration was lying to the American public about Iraq’s WMD capability to persuade us to go to war. He paid the ultimate price for being more loyal to his country than his lying President when his wife, Valerie Plame, was outed by the White House and Robert Novak as a CIA Agent.

Clinton Advisor Sidney Blumenthal on Republican Dirty Tricks

June 23, 2005

(broadcast stream) (.mp3 download Right-click,”Save Target as”,”Save”)
[Although the show can certainly be heard and understood, this particular archive is not of the best sound quality. A better archive will replace this one as soon as it is available.]
Mark interviews Clinton advisor and confidante Sidney Blumenthal on the hazards of the Clinton Years. Mark asks Blumenthal what advice Blumenthal will give to the probable future Presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton on how she should respond to the Republican lies, dirty tricks, and vicious personal negative attacks against her like the ones that have surfaced in the tabloids just this week.
Should Democrats play as dirty as Republicans?

The Second Anniversary of THE INSIDE SCOOP

June 22, 2005

(broadcast stream) (.mp3 download Right-click,”Save Target as”,”Save”)
Plus Ca Change, Plus C’est La Meme Chose…
(Translation: “The more things change, the more they are the same.”)
Two years ago, on June 22, 2003, THE INSIDE SCOOP was first aired on WAGE in Metropolitan Washington, DC. Today, Mark looks back on highlights from his very first show.
The surprising thing is not what’s changed but what’s remained the same. Think the leaking of the Downing Street Minutes was the first media report that the Bush Administration fixed intelligence and facts to justify its war in Iraq?
Think again. Mark reported this two years ago on his very first show.

Debate Tuesday

June 21, 2005

(Jim Greenfield broadcast stream (Part 1)) (Jim Greenfield .mp3 download (Part 1) Right-click,”Save Target as”,”Save”)
(INSIDE SCOOP broadcast stream (Part 2)) (INSIDE SCOOP .mp3 download (Part 2) Right-click,”Save Target as”,”Save”)
Mark debates fellow TalkStarRadio talk show host, Conservative Jim Greenfield. First, Mark will be on the Jim Greenfield Show. Then Jim will be on THE INSIDE SCOOP.
The topics today:
1) Is Iraq like Vietnam? Is it time to leave?
2) Which economy is morally better: a very large, unequal “pie” or a smaller pie, more equitably distributed? In other words, should an economy be judged by the average wealth of its total members? Or by the average wealth of its middle class and poorest?
To make the point crystal clear, here’s an example:
If there were ten people in an economy, which would be better?
A) One person has $10 million, 6 people have $100,000 and 3 people have nothing. (Total worth: $10.6 million. Average wealth over $1 million)
Or B) Two people have $1 million, 3 people have $300,000, 3 people have $200,000, and 2 people have $100,000. (Total worth $3.7 million. Average wealth less than $400,000.)
I suspect Jim would favor example A. I definitely favor example B.

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