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Debate: Limits to Freedom of the Press?

July 11, 2006

Mark debates Mike Lane
Conservatives have loudly attacked the New York Times (but not the Wall Street Journal) for printing a story about Administration surveillance of millions of bank records without court warrants. Some have argued that the editor of the NYT should get the “gas chamber” for treason in exposing this program.
Who should decide what the press gets to print? A free press? Or the Government? Does the public have a right to know what a Government is doing in a democracy? Does it matter if the terrorists already knew what we were doing having been tipped off… the President himself?

Monday Weekly Review

July 10, 2006

(No Archive)
Lots in the News:
The Republicans Attack the Free Press
Death of Ken Lay
North Korean Missile
Israel in Gaza
Gay People Denied Equal Marriage Rights in New York
And anything else you want to bring up…

Comments 7/9/06

July 9, 2006

Comment here on THE INSIDE SCOOP or any miscellaneous topic of your choice. Comments directed to specific shows should be placed on the blog for that particular show.
Perhaps you’d like to comment on this article, detailing how Bush himself set up the smear campaign against Ambassador Joe Wilson for daring to tell the American People the truth about Bush’s lie claiming Iraq was seeking nuclear weapons from Niger.
Or this: Palestinians Strongly Back Kidnapping and War on Israel. Given how much the Palestinians want war, it’s hard to have any sympathy for more than three-quarters of them. Perhaps Israel is showing too much restraint.

An Arab Who Rejects Jihad

July 6, 2006

(Archive) (Download Time = 1-3 minutes.)
Guest: Nonie Darwish, Author of Now They Call Me Infidel : Why I Rejected Jihad for America, Israel, and the War on Terror. Ms. Darwish grew up in Gaza but has a very different perspective from most Gazans. She has lived in the United States now for many years. This is her website.

The Supreme Court Tells Bush He's NOT Above the Law!

July 5, 2006

(Unfortunately, the archive of this show is not working. Too bad it was a fascinating show.)
Mark debates guest George Landrith, President of Frontiers of Freedom Institute
In the last check and balance left in our system — and by the closest of margins, the United States Supreme Court delivered a shocking rebuke to George Bush saying that despite Bush’s claims to have virtually unlimited power to ignore the limitations imposed by the Constitution, the Geneva Conventions, and the nations’ other treaties and laws, the President actually must follow the law!
It was surprising yet heartening to see, by the slenderest of margins, that at least five justices on the Supreme Court still believe that the President must uphold the Constitution and the Rule of Law.
Of course, if Justice Stevens, aged 86, dies in the next two years, the last barrier to Presidential unlimited power will be removed.
This case should remind us all how close to one-man rule we really are…

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