Race, Reid, Republicans, and Ridiculousness
Really, Republicans?
Is saying the word “Negro” really the same as advocating segregation?
Republicans claim not to know the difference between an unfortunate use of an archaic phrase and advocacy of racist discrimination. And Michael Steele isn’t helping matters.
Is saying that a “light-skinned” African-American man without a “Negro dialect” is more electable than a darker skinned person with a heavy blaccent (Reid) really worse than saying our country would be better off if racists came to power in the United States and a permanent second-class status for Blacks enshrined into law (Lott)?
Reid’s calling white American voters racist is the same as Lott saying our country would be “better off” if we returned to Jim Crow days?
Would that mean if I accuse Republicans of being racist opportunists — and I am — that that is the equivalent of myself advocating slavery?
Does anyone, other than a complete idiot, buy any of this?
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Mark February 9, 2010 9:50 pm
Audio fixed!
Jeff January 18, 2010 2:59 pm
I originally posted this on your facebook page, but after looking at your wall, it looked like it’s not very political there, so I’m posting here.
I enjoyed your raucous caucus show on race but I think you described the GOP’s stance on Trent Lott incorrectly. There was never a time when the Lott comment and the Reid comment were treated the same. At the time, the GOP played down the comment, saying they were trying to make an old man feel good on his birthday. Pat Buchanan described Trent Lott as being the victim of a hate crime for his ouster.
Democrats playfully said little or nothing. Then, as outrage grew outside of the beltway, and questions mounted from the press, the GOP ousted Lott and blamed the silent, grinning, Democrats.
And you also failed to mention the depth of Thurmond’s campaign. It wasn’t just separatist or segregationist,. It promised civil war, which no other President in the 20th Century has run on. In my opinion Strom promised civil war or at least insurrection in the following clip:
Today’s voters need to hear more than the fact that Strom was a segregationist. They need to hear that quote when he’s discussed.
You also left out Trent Lott’s association with the CCC, which is the KKK for people without mullets.
Lott denied any association with them but connections were found afterwards.
Also Time magazine reported Trent Lott helped lead a successful battle to prevent his college fraternity from admitting blacks to any of its chapters, in a little-known incident now four decades old.
I guess I’m pointing out that these are truly apples and oranges, as you said, but you’re actually describing the GOP as being more honest than it is on this matter.
Mark January 13, 2010 10:35 pm
Thanks for all the kind words on the show last night. I appreciate all of the many compliments! For those wondering where the audio is, unfortunately there was a production error. I’ve been trying very hard to get through to the folks at WPFW to fix it but I’ve had trouble reaching them. I’ll keep trying, I promise.