Memorial Day
May 25, 2009
Let us never forget those who serve our country and have served our country.
Often mistreated by the nation’s political leaders, it is their lives that are on the front lines.
Let us never blame them for policies that are pursued by those in Washington who care too little about them.
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Johnny Democracy June 5, 2009 8:42 am
D-day, the long day,
the longest day of death,
large-scale killing
that turned Normandy’s surf red,
human slaughter
called history,
evolution gone insane,
no glory, no winners,
just corpses
and survivors
testify to a numbing horror,
now, later,
white crosses mark the graveyards
that remember the battle
of a generation ago,
in a war that still rages
in the hearts of men,
when, oh when
can forgiveness be brought to the altar,
and all this blood be worth the price
for which it was spent.
Johnny Democracy June 4, 2009 8:16 am
Out of Sugar
Combat mode is always waiting
in the nervous system,
on call
at the molecular level,
to react to triggers of fear
and anger
of a reprisally-geared temper,
firing synaptic shots of adrenalin
at an illusioned enemy,
hypertension is a close companion
on guard in an endangered psyche
wading in confusion,
between breaths
of my embattled memory,
I ponder my destiny
still wandering the valley of death,
welcome to my mind, my dear,
would you like some PTSD
with your tea,
I seem to be all out of sugar,
Johnny Democracy June 3, 2009 8:25 am
In Memoriam
Can you hide the pain in the sepulcher of your soul,
deny it exists with empty platitudes
that console your complacency
to the encompassing plague
that overwhelms your heart?
Try to censor the spirit
and it simply seeks the path of least resistance,
manifesting love
for your conscience to see,
so subtly,
the lesson and the teacher are one.
Define the crucifixion,
but do not dwell on it.
Peace is the message of life
that must be learned and lived
within all of us,
for the sake of any of us.