Domestic Violence
March 21, 2005
(broadcast stream) (.mp3 download
Guest: Lynn Rosenthal, Executive Director of the National Network to End Domestic Violence
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Tracie March 23, 2005 10:56 am
Great show Mark!
Lynn Rosenthal was an excellent guest and from one who has had occasion to talk with her personally and work professionally, I just want to say that she is a genuinely caring person.
Thanks for digressing from your usual type show and covering some of these very important issues!
I know you and I aren’t in agreement on a lot of issues but I do respect your sense of justice and respect for people.
God bless.
Vicky March 22, 2005 9:05 pm
I just finished listening to this show and found it very interesting.
I wanted to ask Lynn about the number of times a woman will leave, go back and leave etc? I am thinking that the shelter my sister was in told her that most women go through the leaving and returning on an average of 7 times – sometimes it being one too many times that they returned because they are killed before they have a chance to escape for the last time.
I think there might be a personality type that is similar in battered women; they seem to have an inborn submissiveness about them and the control freak men seek this type of woman out because they know they can easily gain control.
In the twenty-five years I’ve been associated with a Christian church, I’ve never found any one who would condone this treatment or advise a woman to stay and “try and work it out.” In fact, the church I am affiliated with heavily supports the woman’s shelter in our area – not only with regular monthly gifts but doing extra things at Christmas time and a group of us women went in and did some redecorating – painting, wallpapering, pictures for the walls, flowers etc.
I wish there would have been more discussion on this but can understand the reluctance of some and then I also understand that some people are interested in this show for the political insights and information so maybe this isn’t something that they found too interesting. But I did and again I thank you for it.
Brian From Nj March 21, 2005 3:31 pm
One of my male friends was in an abusive relationship for years. All throughout high school his g/f would throw things at him, even breaking her cell phone on his back once. He continued to date this woman and even followed her to the same college, where the physical and mental abuse continued. They have since broken up, and he actually ended up taking court action against her for stalking. To this day I don’t understand why he ever stayed with her. But I’m g;ad it’s over now.
Thanks for todays topic Mark.
Make Peace Happen March 21, 2005 11:01 am
How does Lynn Rosenthal think a cabinet level Department of Peace could address the problem of domestic violence (Could it absorb, fund,and/or facilitate her current organization)
Vicky March 21, 2005 8:20 am
I look forward to this show as it is a subject that is close to me personally.
I have a sister who seems to repeatedly get herself into relationships with abusive men and endures this type of treatment too many times. When she finally leaves one abuser (after a pattern of going back over and over) the next man in her life is much the same.
Currently she is living on her own having left the guy a couple of years ago, but for the past year she sees him on a semi regular basis insisting she will never get back into the same lifestyle with him. But why she even bothers with him at all is what hurts and confuses the rest of her family.
She was helped a great deal by our local woman’s shelter when she left him – they provided her a “safe” place to stay and helped her get back on her feet so she was financially able to make it on her own etc. (We, her family, did open our homes to her as well but she chose to stay at the shelter for a time – she said she felt “safer” as he didn’t know where she was.)
My husband and I have been long time supporters of our local shelter and my entire family has been very thankful for them being there for my sister!