Bush Education Policy: Leaving Children Behind?
March 14, 2005
(broadcast stream) (.mp3 download
How does the “No Child Left Behind Act” affect individual teachers/schools/school board? And why, in one conservative state (Virginia) are Republicans so against this Bush Education Policy?
Guest: Fairfax County, Virginia School Board Member Catherine Belter
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Tom's friend March 18, 2005 10:02 pm
“No Fear Education”
There are many who say
That the Bible today,
Is ‘old fashioned’
And couldn’t be true.
A collection of tales,
Of blood, floods and whales,
That was written by men with ‘no clue’.
Just a weird book of fable….
It’s writers? Unstable.
(And besides……today things have all changed.)
We’ve no need for a story,
That’s so bloody and gory,
Which was penned by some guys,
Quite deranged.
We need facts that are real,…
That we can measure and “feel”.
(Give us nebulae, black holes and quarks.)
No more mythical stories,
And vague allegories,
With “miracles”, crosses and Arks.
We’ve moved way beyond those…..
(And our wisdom still grows!)
Soon all of our woes will be solved….
And the world we can save!
Mankind? Well-behaved!
(Ain’t it swell to be highly evolved?)
If we could just see,
How good we can be,
Then this world would be nifty and keen.
No more war or starvation.
The “Fix”?…..Education!
Just teach children how not to be mean!
You see, school should be fun—–
(“Make Nice 101”)
Where each one is part of “The Team”.
All A’s? We’ll give freely……
Our goal? (Not Truth)……Self-Esteem.
In these schools where all’s fun,
Where each child’s “Number 1”,
We’ll mold minds of the next generation.
They’ll be Proud….Standing Tall!
Pumped up and installed,
With confident “Ego-Inflation”.
We’ll rebuild this tired nation,
Teaching “Pride Education”,
To the children in grades K through 4.
We must touch them while small,
So the seed of Pride falls,
In a soil that’s unspoiled at the core.
We must reach the kids fast,
Or The Word from the past,
Might scuttle this scheme we’ve devised.
Just don’t let them hear it!
(“Blest are those poor in spirit…”)
Hearing some things is just ill-advised!
We’ll push cyberspace/ lasers,
(Also “crystals” / stargazers)
Meditation and yoga, we’ll use.
We could even get fancy…..
And try necromancy!
Like, hey man, you know….
What’s to lose!?
Learning’s got to be “groovy”,
(Like watching a movie)
For our young to be reached now in school.
It’s the only way, man!
This pedagogical plan,
Forged at Woodstock is radically ‘cool’.
Our country is sinking….
(Where is critical thinking?)
Why, today we just “go with the flow”…
“Get in touch with your ‘feelings’!”
(Relativity’s dealing
A hand from a realm far below.)
The Words of our Savior,
Don’t guide our behavior.
Today new goals we do swallow.
We hunger and thirst,
At the trough where “Me”‘s first;
In the mud we consistently wallow.
The conscience is seared,
When the Lord is not feared,
In the heart of each generation.
If Truth is not sought,
Satan’s Lie will be bought,
In the guise of “New Age” education.
~ Tom Graffagnino