So–how did Hillary get it sooooooooo wrong–when it came to the war in Iraq? She just stood in line like so many other congressional goatheads that gave Bush-Cheney carte blanche to perpetrate devious aggression with kills into seven figures.
And national health-care took a backseat to Bill’s dalliances in the Oval Office
Those are the kinds of mistakes this country can’t afford with a new presidency from day one
Obama in ’08
So--how did Hillary get it sooooooooo wrong--when it came to the war in Iraq? She just stood in line like so many other congressional goatheads that gave Bush-Cheney carte blanche... More >>
Carte Blanche February 5, 2008 11:00 am
So–how did Hillary get it sooooooooo wrong–when it came to the war in Iraq? She just stood in line like so many other congressional goatheads that gave Bush-Cheney carte blanche to perpetrate devious aggression with kills into seven figures.
And national health-care took a backseat to Bill’s dalliances in the Oval Office
Those are the kinds of mistakes this country can’t afford with a new presidency from day one
Obama in ’08