Non-Debate Tuesday
September 6, 2005(broadcast stream) (.mp3 download
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Mark had planned today to debate former Radical Leftist and now Radical Right-Wing writer and political commentator, David Horowitz, but David Horowitz did not show. That debate has been rescheduled to Sunday, September 18. And the blog comments originally posted here have been moved to that day.
Instead, today, I focused on the awful Government response to Hurricane Katrina and particular, an INSIDE SCOOP, that has gotten insufficient attention to date: why is the Government funneling cash from well-wishers to help the victims of Hurricane Katrina to Pat Robertson?
See FEMA website in Spanish designating only the Red Cross, Robertson’s “Operation Blessing,” and America’s Second Harvest Bank as places for Americans to send cash donations.
Congratulations, Pat! You have profitted handsomely from the New Orleans misery. God must have granted you your wish after all!!!
Pat Robertson successfully profitted from the Rwandan genocide as well. Most aid to those victims was diverted to Robertson’s diamond mines, for which he shares profits with brutal dictator, murderer-of-parents-to-make-armies-of-child Charles Taylor of Liberia.
Isn’t it “nice” to have our Government — which already gave $25 million in taxpayer funds to Robertson — continuing to indirectly support Taylor through Robertson? When will Christians tell Pat Robertson that he can go to hell….or that he need not do, because he is already there!!!
And shouldn’t Americans — anxious to help Katrina victims — know that the Government is pushing their money to go instead into diamond mines to likely help one of the most vicious murderers of our time (Charles Taylor)?
Labor Day – No Show
September 5, 2005Today, Talk Star will replay last Thursday’s show: The Battle of New Orleans. No live callers.
(broadcast stream) (.mp3 download
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Guest: Eric Holdeman, Director of the Office of Emergency Management for Seattle and King County, Washington
“It appears that the money has been moved in the president’s budget to
handle homeland security and the war in Iraq, and I suppose that’s the
price we pay. Nobody locally is happy that the levees can’t be finished,
and we are doing everything we can to make the case that this is a security
issue for us.”
— Walter Maestri, emergency management chief for Jefferson Parish,
Louisiana; New Orleans Times-Picayune, June 8, 2004.
For more information, see the sites below:
Even the very conservative Chicago Tribune points the finger squarely at Bush’s mismanagement of FEMA as the reason so many people suffered
Details on the Failures of the Bush Administration to Protect New Orleans
Several articles from the New Orleans Times-Picayune warning of the danger to come from a Category 5 hurricane
Eric Holdeman’s op-ed in The Washington Post
Picture of Bush fiddling as New Orleans flooded
After Bush, the Deluge!
September 4, 2005(broadcast stream) (.mp3 download
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Even the very conservative Chicago Tribune points the finger squarely at Bush’s mismanagement of FEMA as the reason so many people suffered
Katrina is not a natural disaster. It is a man-made one. And the man who made it is our current President of the United States and his vicious “help-only-the-rich-campaign-donors” so-called Republican Party.
Bush and his party have consistently decided that sending Americans to fight and die in Iraq was more important than protecting American lives at home.
And now the City of New Orleans lies underwater and practically obliterated. All because Bush refused $300 million — or about $1 per American citizen — to protect the city from the disaster everyone knew was coming. And now the cost of this “error” will likely be at least 50 times that amount: $15 billion or more, not to mention the lives lost and irreparably destroyed.
Hey, Bush-loving rich people! Aren’t you glad you got that tax cut? Or would you have given one dollar of that cut to save hundreds, if not thousands of lives, and billions in lost property damage? When will we learn that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”? (We haven’t learned it in health care. And just wait until we get the bill for the National Debt.)
Two questions for the New Orleans Republican Party: Do you still hate the Government? Why hasn’t your corporate private enterprise filled the holes in those levees? Oh wait, I remember. The corporations are doing their share by filling the flood waters with toxic waste….
New Orleans wasn’t the only danger waiting to happen. We have nuclear and chemical plants underdefended too while we fight, supposedly for the people who don’t want us there in Iraq.
I’m filled with 1 part desperation, 2 parts intense sadness, and 3 parts rage.
Let’s discuss this week how Republicans caused the Deluge of New Orleans and whether America will finally, finally see that New Orleans is more important than Baghdad and that Government aid should be directed first at saving lives than building a bridge to an Alaskan island where 50 Republican campaign donors live. $300 million to repair the New Orleans levee? Or $213 million for Don Young’s Way? You decide.
Is it any coincidence that the victims of New Orleans are disproportionately poor and black?
And to think that Louisiana voted for George Bush. WAKE UP!
The Battle of New Orleans
September 1, 2005(broadcast stream) (.mp3 download
Right-click,”Save Target as”,”Save”)
Guest: Eric Holdeman, Director of the Office of Emergency Management for Seattle and King County, Washington
Today, a discussion of religious philosophy, along with politics.
With the horrible devastation of Hurricane Katrina, there are some who naturally blame God. Why do bad things happen to good people? How is that consistent with an all-powerful, all-good God? This question, which the philosophers call “theodicy”, is the great unanswered and some say un-answerable question of religious faith.
My response: I don’t blame God. I blame Man.
“It appears that the money has been moved in the president’s budget to
handle homeland security and the war in Iraq, and I suppose that’s the
price we pay. Nobody locally is happy that the levees can’t be finished,
and we are doing everything we can to make the case that this is a security
issue for us.”
— Walter Maestri, emergency management chief for Jefferson Parish,
Louisiana; New Orleans Times-Picayune, June 8, 2004.
For more information, see the sites below:
Details on the Failures of the Bush Administration to Protect New Orleans
Several articles from the New Orleans Times-Picayune warning of the danger to come from a Category 5 hurricane
Even the very conservative Chicago Tribune points the finger squarely at Bush’s mismanagement of FEMA as the reason so many people suffered
Eric Holdeman’s op-ed in The Washington Post
Picture of Bush fiddling as New Orleans flooded
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