The 9/11 Conspiracies
August 31, 2005(broadcast stream) (.mp3 download
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Today’s guest, Jim Marrs, an author and reporter who has previously examined topics such as the Kennedy Assassination, UFOs, clairvoyance, and secret societies, has in recent years turned his attention to 9/11. His 2003 book, The War on Freedom: The 9/11 Conspiracies, argues evidence of U.S. Government complicity in the 9/11 attacks. His follow up, Inside Job: Unmasking the Conspiracies of 9/11 is now available in paperback.
What do you think? Was I too tough on him today? Or not tough enough?
Debate Tuesday
August 30, 2005(broadcast stream) (.mp3 download
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Guest: Jim Parmelee, Chairman of the Northern Virginia Republican Political Action Committee and President of Republicans United for Tax Relief
Shouldn’t even die-hard Republicans reconsider whether continuing Bush foreign policy is helping or harming America?
1) Treatment of detainees — Is indefinite detention without charges or trial an American value? Is torture an American value? How again does this help spread democracy and freedom throughout the world? Does this help America be a “light unto the nations:?
2) The War on Iraq — Isn’t it time to admit that continuing to occupy Iraq makes us LESS secure? Not just because we can’t deal with the serious threats in North Korea and Iraq and Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia. But because leaving Iraq to civil war/anarchy now is better than leaving Iraq to civil war/anarchy 10 years later after several thousand more Americans are dead and tens of thousands more wounded (not to mention countless Iraqis)?
Do you have an opinion or a question for Jim or me? Post it on the blog or call in.
Soaring Oil Prices and the Energy Bill
August 29, 2005(broadcast stream) (.mp3 download
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Guest: Dr. Dan Lashof, Science Director, Natural Resources Defense Council
Sunday Weekly Review
August 28, 2005(broadcast stream) (.mp3 download
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In Defense of Pornography
August 25, 2005(broadcast stream) (.mp3 download
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Guest: Robert Peters, President of Morality in Media, who advocates banning certain forms of adult pornography for private viewing by adults.
I disagree.
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