Sunday Weekly Review – War over the Supreme Court!
July 3, 2005(broadcast stream) (.mp3 download
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The President’s warmed-over rationale Tuesday night for our attacking Iraq is garnering a predictably tepid response.
What he has missed is the larger point: his doctrine can be used as justification to invade ANY COUNTRY ON EARTH. And I think, if we’re going to start anywhere, we should consider Canada. Not only can we get a direct connection to Alaska, but Canada — a country that believes in human rights — might just teach half of America the importance of moral, family values, and equality for all.
1) Should journalists be compelled to reveal their sources if their sources are involved in criminal activity?
2) Can eminent domain (the taking of private property for public use with just compesation) be done where some of that private property for “public use” goes to private interests?
And, if time permits:
— Karl Rove mastermind of CIA-leak to stop Ambassador Joe Wilson
— Canada and Spain allow gay couples to marry
— San Diego Republican Congressman “Bribery Duke” Cunningham is going down
— Sudan, Halliburton, Bolton, and flag-burning…
July 1, 2005With Sandra Day O’Connor’s retirement, the “swing vote” on the Supreme Court is up for grabs. The Court currently has one liberal Democrat (Ginsburg) one moderate Democrat (Breyer), two moderate Republicans (Stevens and Souter), two conservative Republicans (Kennedy and O’Connor), and three dangerous right-wing radical theocratic nutcases who love corporations and hate civil rights and religious freedom (Scalia, Rehnquist, and Thomas).
With the swing vote gone, get ready for the greatest Supreme Court battle in American history. This is far more dangerous than Rehnquist’s impending retirement. Unless there’s a filibuster, the Republicans now have the votes to overturn Roe v. Wade, to demolish civil rights, to imprison gay people, and to use the Government to force Bush’s particular religious sect down the throats of non-believers.
With O’Connor gone, the balance of the Court will likely swing from conservative Republican to Theocratic Fundamentalism. Batten down the hatches, America, and prepare for war, else the era of the American Taliban will begin. Barring an extremely unusual Supreme Court pick (if Bush picks a conservative Republican, for example, instead of a right-wing nutcase), the filibuster is our only hope.
Prepare for battle, Americans. The next Supreme Court justice will have more impact on your life than 9/11.
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