Mark in The Washington Post Today
March 10, 2005Check out the Article in TODAY’S Washington Post (Thursday, March 10, 2005) that mentions Mark’s decision to podcast THE INSIDE SCOOP.
Excerpt below:
Local radio host Mark Levine (His tag line: “All the news from Washington that the government doesn’t want you to know”) jumped mike-first into the on-demand audio movement a few months ago, podcasting his one-hour daily talk show that airs on Leesburg-based WAGE-AM (1200).
“I get about 5,000 people a month downloading my podcast, and that is growing,” said Levine, whose podcasts are posted online at
Levine’s show has advertising spots carried over from on-air broadcasts, but WTOP plans no commercial messages in its original podcast, at least not initially. As for at-home podcasters, most have no clue how to make money.
The Bush-Saudi Connection
March 9, 2005Mark is attending the Radio and Records Convention Talk Radio Seminar in Santa Monica, California. So there will be no live show today or tomorrow.
(archived broadcast )
Instead, we replay an INSIDE SCOOP classic, Mark’s interview with Craig Unger, Author of House of Bush, House of Saud, originally broadcast April 12, 2004. No calls today…just sit back and hear about the Bush-Saudi connections to the tune of $1.4 billion, connections that the mainstream media STILL hasn’t reported.
Have you heard about Prince Ahmed?
Ahmed is a Saudi Prince who was warned in advance by Bin Laden about the upcoming September 11th terrorist attacks.
On September 11th, Prince Ahmed was betting on horses in Lexington, Kentucky but, fearing capture by the US and interrogation, he asked the Bush Administration to intervene and overrule the US officials who grounded him.
And the Federal Government intevened, allowing Prince Ahmed and dozens of members of the Bin Laden family to fly out of the United States on the days just following September 11, the first flights occurring within the United States when all other American private jets were grounded.
What? You haven’t heard about Prince Ahmed? Then you obviously haven’t got THE INSIDE SCOOP.
Debate Tuesday: Competing Political Philosophies
March 8, 2005(broadcast stream part 1) (broadcast stream part 2
) (.mp3 download
[Due to technical difficulties, the archive stream is in two parts.]
Mark Levine debates Republican leader Jim Parmelee on the basic philosophies of the Democratic and Republican Parties:
Why are you a Republican? A conservative?
Why are you a Democrat? A liberal?
Both parties/sides tend to have knee-jerk reactions:
Democrats/Liberals care about poor people, the environment, equal opportunity, unions, teachers, corporate regulation, consumer protection, high taxes on inherited wealth, low taxes on people struggling to make a living, education, low debt, open government, separation of church and state, rehabilitation and drug treatment rather than prison, war as a last resort, prevention of genocide, voting rights, police officers and firefighters, homeland security, gun control, and a free press….
Republicans/conservatives care about rich people, big business, corporations, oil companies, low taxes (for corporations, capital gains, inherited wealth, interest, and dividends), Government/Church partnership, letting people succeed in business without government help or interference, strict Government regulation/monitoring of private lives, high debt, closed government, strict voting regulations, wars to compel countries to follow US interests, and a press controlled and manipulated by the Government…
What makes us support one side or the other?
Spies in the FBI: An Update with Sibel Edmonds
March 7, 2005(broadcast stream ) (.mp3 download
Sibel Edmonds has rocked this Adminstration. After disclosing spies in the FBI and proving Bush had information prior to September 11th that should have alerted him to the up-coming terrorist attacks, the White House has done everything it could to muzzle her. But her story’s coming out: first right here on RADIO INSIDE SCOOP and later on 60 Minutes and in the New York Times and Washington Post.
Most recently, Sibel Edmonds and her whistleblower lawsuits caused the Justice Department to change its policy of retroactively classifying as “top secret” documents that were already in the public domain. Perhaps no single individual has done more to open up our tightly-controlled government than Sibel Edmonds. For “All the News the Government Does NOT Want You to Know,” Edmonds is the Bush Administration’s Public Enemy No. 1.
Guest: Sibel Edmonds
Sunday Weekly Review
March 6, 2005(broadcast stream ) (.mp3 download
Let’s see how much of this we can cover in an hour (Click below for more):
— How the Government conspires with credit card companies to rip off consumers
— Why the Government believes funding your pension and retirement should be “private and personal” to you but your “personal and private” data should be made public to businesses and identity thieves
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