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Words of Wisdom – Room on Uranus?

November 8, 2004

Hello, Uranus? Got Any Room? Must. Move. Away. Cannot endure more Bush. Soul about to implode. Right? Not so fast, by Mark Morford

Still in Shock

November 7, 2004

(archived broadcast )
The Civil Rights Revolution is over. The culture war has begun.

The Day After

November 3, 2004

Shock, depression, bad exit polls, foul play, and losing an election on God, gays, and guns.
How do we heal when 51% of us just elected as President one of the most divisive figures of America history?

Election Day

November 2, 2004

(archived broadcast )
In the morning, I serve in Virginia to protect the right of voters.
In the afternoon, I vote and then give you THE INSIDE SCOOP.
In the evening, with charts and the Internet and constantly flipping through television stations, I hope to eventually celebrate Kerry’s victory.

One Day More – Special Two-Hour Pre-Election INSIDE SCOOP

November 1, 2004

(archived broadcast )
More on the Republican Party Plot to Suppress American Votes
And how you can protect your vote from their disgusting scheme…
Mark’s hero of the day

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